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A little girl 

Seeks revenge but

A real woman

Moves on

While Karma

Does her 

Dirty work.


You just have to

ACCEPT the fact

That some people

Only enter your


As a temporary




Hello there



Question, Can I call you my personal page stalker?

Now that you are here

let me tell you something,

there is nothing you are gonna learn from my page. If you are being nosey, I'm letting you know now you will find nothing. If there is something, hell anything you want to know or feel like you need to know, just message me. If you message me it makes it much more easier than having to scope me out and try to solve the mystery that is running through that head of yours.

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Some people

Are like clouds.

When they 


Its a 

Beautiful day.

There's not much to me.

I'm really a nice person until you piss me off or give me a reason to lash out. Its hard to piss me off. I am one of the calmer people in this world with that being said, I'm a straight forward person. I don't do the beating around the bush thing, thats for kids.

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"An old soul"

That's what most people would describe  me like. 


Now that you know a little bit about me, Is there anything you want to know more about me. If so why not message me. You might just get to know me a little or you might just be as confused about me as I am myself. Hey but it might be fun to get to know you. 

Welp, that concludes you being a nosey little fuck.

Some love me...

Some hate me...

Some just don't have anything better to do...


I really don't give a fuck....

I'm not here to please you or anyone,

Get over it.

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